1. Random Death Match
Do not shoot, or kill people with no reason behind it.
2. Vehicle Death Match
Do not shoot other people's cars for no reason, and don't run into poles, buildings, other cars, etc., with no reason behind it.
3. Fail Roleplay
Do not fail to roleplay at any scene you are at; you must always maintain character and make sure you are doing everything within the roleplay as realistically as possible.
4. No Intent to Roleplay
You must never have no intent to roleplay; you must always have an intent to roleplay when joining our in-game server.
5. Avatars
You must always have a realistic avatar while in our in-game server.
6. Trolling
You must never troll while in our in-game server.
7. Rushing
You are not allowed to cuff rush, tow rush, or heal rush. This means doing these actions without roleplaying it.
8. VC’s
We are a VC-optional server; this means when we go vc only for some sessions you must be in a roleplay VC at all times while in our in-game server.
9. Interfering
You must never interfere with someone's roleplay. This means going into a roleplay that you're not a part of and trying to force yourself into the roleplay.
10. Priority Timer and Peace Timer
You must never commit a crime while the priority timer or peace timer is active.
11. Cop Baiting
You must never cop bait; this means purposely committing crimes in front of a cop to get pulled over or chased.
12. Meta Gaming
You are never allowed to meta game; this means using knowledge of something that you did not get while in character.
13. New Life Rule
When you die, you are not allowed to roleplay as the same person; you must be a new person and you must never go back to the same roleplay scene you died at.
14. Yielding
You must always pull over to the side of the road when an emergency vehicle is coming towards you.
15. GTA Driving
You must never GTA drive; you must always drive as realistically as possible.
16. Mini Modding
You are never allowed to mini mod; this means acting like a staff member when you are not.
17. Realism
You must always roleplay as realistically as possible when inside of our server.
18. Glitching
You are never allowed to glitch inside of our server, as it is against Roblox TOS.
19. Safe Zones
You are not allowed to commit crimes inside of the police station, sheriff station, civilian spawns, fire station, or DOT station.
20. Banned Roleplays
You are not allowed to do the following roleplays: hitman roleplay, impersonating a police officer roleplay, suicide roleplay, gang roleplay, protest roleplay, or any roleplay that is against Roblox TOS.